@adtothebone #ChunderRoad
16th Century: Codpiece.
21st Century: Turtlepiece.
Nobody but Rev Gary Davis plays Rev Gary Davis #music better than #JormaKaukonen. Listen to how his cheerful fingerstyle echoes the sentiment of this simple but powerful song.
Schumer begins a book tour this week.
Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC 7pm
Thursday 3/20 at the Weizman, DC 12:30PM
Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
Line the sidewalks. (List may not be complete)
Some rain
@StefanThinks One, two, many Love Canals!
Once upon a time I was falling down drunk
Now I only fall out of tune
Nothing I can do
Total eclipse of the
My keyboard had become unusable, so I took it in for replacement. Here's the new one. Check out the placement of some of the symbols, such as #, @, and several others. This isn't an American English keyboard.
Green blob approaching.
Ah, this explains it.
Aaron Rupar
Trump: "I invaded Los Angeles and we opened up the water and the water is now flowing down. They have so much water they don't know what to do ... we broke in to do it."
I'm not religious, but this one always gets to me: the poor can hear the word of God!
#ChunderRoad #Music
This is (or was) an access ramp the city uses to get vehicles down to #MarineStreetBeach. Two days of rain were hard on it #ChunderRoad
I'm usually wrong, but got this one right.
Predictions on Trump's Tesla purchase:
• It will be bright red.
• He will sit in it for the camera gaggle.
• He will not drive it.
• He will make "Vroom Vroom" noises.
#ChunderRoad #tesla #trump #weird
I'm 75 years old and depend on Social Security, VA disability, and a lifetime of investment savings to support myself. I get medical care through the VA.
Trump and Musk are threatening all of these things.
@edwilk @biff52 #ChunderRoad #eggs
Egg situation in my local store
May have jury duty tomorrow.