On this day, March 19, in 1972, a team from the small Philadelphia Catholic women’s school Immaculata College won the first-ever women’s national college basketball championship, coached by Cathy Rush (depicted in The Mighty Macs, 2009)
On this day, March 19, in 1972, a team from the small Philadelphia Catholic women’s school Immaculata College won the first-ever women’s national college basketball championship, coached by Cathy Rush (depicted in The Mighty Macs, 2009)
À l'atelier de l’#international : Antonin Dubois (univ. Lorraine), Un internationalisme étudiant en action? Les Cosmopolitan Clubs états-uniens (1903–1914).
25 mars | 15h | format hybride
#CosmopolitanClubs #XXe #histoireétudiante #histodons @histodons
À l'atelier de l’#international : Antonin Dubois (univ. Lorraine), Un internationalisme étudiant en action? Les Cosmopolitan Clubs états-uniens (1903–1914).
25 mars | 15h | format hybride
#CosmopolitanClubs #XXe #histoireétudiante #histodons @histodons
À l'atelier de l’#international : Antonin Dubois (univ. Lorraine), Un internationalisme étudiant en action? Les Cosmopolitan Clubs états-uniens (1903–1914).
25 mars | 15h | format hybride
#CosmopolitanClubs #XXe #histoireétudiante #histodons @histodons
Découvrez des #lettres de soldats de la #Wehrmacht envoyées de 1940–1944 depuis la France occupée: « Comme un Allemand en France » (éd. par Aurélie Luneau, Jeanne Guérout & Stefan Martens en 2022) offre un regard brut & intime sur leurs sentiments, perceptions de la France & l’évolution de leur moral.
Research associate job in St. Gall!! They want a masters degree in history or equivalent.
This might be a good time to recall that John Le Carre opened Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy with George Smiley in St. Gall, reading old manuscripts.
Now at British Library, London 'Two Men looking at the Stars through a Telescope' for #SunitaWilliamsReturn in this 19th century #IndianMiniaturePainting from a Sanskrit manuscript 'Crest Jewel of the Essence of Systems of Astronomy' written by Durgashankara of #Benares #Varanasi #India
There's a new issue of Práticas da História, the Journal on Theory, Historiography, and Uses of the Past!
It includes the dossier "Collaborative practices: rethinking narratives and musealization processes", coordinated by Rita Juliana Soares Poloni, Diego Lemos Ribeiro, and Elizabete Mendonça.
Available in #OpenAccess: https://praticasdahistoria.pt/issue/view/1964
#OnThisDay, 19 March 1944, Yvonne Baseden parachutes into Nazi-occupied France as a Special Operations Executive radio operator. The British SOE supported the French resistance. Radio operators ran the greatest risk of discovery as their position could be triangulated when they were transmitting.
Baseden was captured and sent to Ravensbrück.
She was the subject of the first regular UK edition of This Is Your Life in 1955.
Subscribe on your favorite podcast platform or follow us via our website. Thanks for tuning in—this season is going to be epic!
#Podcast #PopCulture #History #Culture #Arts #Motoring #Science #histodons #Society #TheComfortableSpot #Manga #Anime
**Plymouth vs Jamestown: The Straight Tree Of God’s Blessing Liberty Vs The Crooked Tree Of God’s Curse Slavery: 1888 Historical Geography**
A historical geography of the United States in map form from 1888.
#History #Histodon #Histodons #Cartography #USA #US #UnitedStates #C19th #19thCentury @histodon @histodons
**Slavery, Prosperity, and Inequality in Roman Pompeii**
_“These narratives can be seen to form two sides to the same coin, as Pompeii’s prosperity was created in large part thanks to slave labour. The connection is supported by constructing a probabilistic model, which suggests some 6 million sesterces (HS) flowed every year to Pompeii’s masters through their exploitation of slaves. Slave owning probably formed the largest single income source for the urban economy.”_
Seth Bernard, Slavery, Prosperity, and Inequality in Roman Pompeii, Past & Present, 2025;, gtaf006, https://doi.org/10.1093/pastj/gtaf006
#OpenAccess #OA #Article #DOI #History #Histodon #Histodons #Slavery #Roman #Pompeii #Academia #Academic @histodon @histodons
Tervetuloa Mastodoniin Miti von Weissenberg @maweisse ja Henna Karppinen-Kummunmäki @hkarppkumm !
On this day, March 18, in 1882, sheriff Morgan Earp, brother of Deputy U.S. Marshal Wyatt Earp, was assassinated by Cowboys as revenge for the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral (depicted in Tombstone, 1993)
Historians have written a fair bit on presents given by Britain, France, and the US to Indigenous peoples in North America. As I peruse the early 19th-century correspondence of the British Treasury, I keep coming across references to similar practice elsewhere - Surinam, Nicaragua, Honduras... Has anyone written on diplomatic gifts in these places? A comparative history might be interesting.
How did #UnivofStAndrews benefit from, participate in, or support, British colonialism? Our report 'The University of St Andrews and the legacies of empire, 1700-1900' is now available https://legacies-of-empire.wp.st-andrews.ac.uk/
The detail of our findings may be of most interest to those closely associated with #standrews #Fife and #Tayside, or #Scotland; but I hope that our approach will be of interest to a wider audience. #history #histodons
ASTROLOGVS HIC SIT CAVTVS - literally: the astronomer should be careful here.
This is a detail from the so-called star mantle of Heinrich II., made around 1000 AD. The meaning of the gold woven comment:
Do not expect facts. This image is not accurate.
#OnThisDay, 18 Mar 1979, the first National Black Women’s Conference started in Brixton, London, arranged by the Organisation of Women of African and Asian Descent (OWAAD). Over 300 women attended.
OWAAD was founded by Stella Dadzie and Olive Morris in 1978 to bring a black feminist perspective to political action.
Morris died in July 1979 of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. In 2024, she was recognised for her work with a blue plaque.
“Once, with hand-grenades in my shopping bag, I travelled in a train so full that I had to stand against a German NCO.”
#OnThisDay, 18 Mar 1943, Francine Agazarian arrives in Nazi-occupied France to be a courier in the Special Operations Executive. The British SOE supported the French Resistance.
@lavaeolus @hypebot @TrendingBoost
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