Zwei Dinge sind mir in den letzten Tagen aufgefallen.
1.) Wie schnell sich demokratische Parteien einigen können, wenn die #FDP nicht mit im Boot sitzt.
2.) Die #noafd fand nachrichtentechnisch nicht statt, es ging ja auch kaum um #Migration.
Zwei Dinge sind mir in den letzten Tagen aufgefallen.
1.) Wie schnell sich demokratische Parteien einigen können, wenn die #FDP nicht mit im Boot sitzt.
2.) Die #noafd fand nachrichtentechnisch nicht statt, es ging ja auch kaum um #Migration.
Et voilà ! Migration de à ma petite instance perso en cours !
Tout va bien se passer, tout va bien se passer. Le serveur va tenir, activitypub ne va pas planter
J'en reparlerai un peu plus tard mais je n'ai aucun problème avec qui est une très bonne instance, avec une ambiance sympa et une modération efficace
J'avais "seulement" de tester une instance vraiment à moi, avec quelques options plus en adéquation avec ce que je veux.
Bienvenue à toustes !
#Fediverse #Mastodon #GoToSocial #Migration
Is today #FediHire Friday? Sure looks like it!
What I'm looking for: A senior level, individual contributor role supporting Windows, Active Directory, Certificates, PKI, Azure, and information security in a large environment. Interested in relocating outside of the US. I like to solve weird problems and make computers run smoothly. I want to help others use technology effectively.
My main focus the last few years has been rebuilding and modernizing a struggling certificate management team. That includes growing the team to meet our company needs, migrating our AD-integrated private PKI stack, getting a handle on our web PKI consumption, and making massive improvements to our certificate lifecycle management platform. I supported and advised our CyberSec and Desktop teams as we rolled out multi-factor authentication to 50,000 employees and contractors across the US. My background in understanding deep computer fundamentals, talent for quickly grasping nuances of larger systems, and calmness in a crisis have contributed to quickly resolving major technology outages regardless of root cause.
This role hasn't been exclusively technical. A big part of my current job is building relationships with our developers to help them understand how certificates work, the responsible ways to use them, and what our relevant internal policies are. I've been training and teaching junior and mid-level engineers both practical PKI concepts and our specific enterprise requirements. I've gotten to spend some time with upper management to both explain the immediate challenges we've had and the plans we can implement improve our infrastructure, reducing costs and outages.
While this position has been focused on certs and how to use them, I'm very comfortable considering a technical leadership role for Windows (server and desktop) administration and Active Directory. I also have some good experience with Azure and virtualization platforms, but they haven't been my daily focus for several years.
My current employer is direct retail for general public consumers. I've also worked in banking/finance, manufacturing, and architecture firms. The common thread is I love to help people leverage technology for their goals, to help them be more effective.
In my personnel/volunteer time I've done very similar: working backstage with lights/sounds/projections so live performers can do their best.
Right now I'm in Syracuse, New York (about five hours from NYC), but I'm open to relocation/migration anywhere in the world.
PMs open if you want to talk details. Boosts/reshares appreciated.
Companies in Brazil expand job opportunities for refugees, migrants
#politics #brazil #migration #refugees #GoodNews
La Comisión Europea quiere facilitar las #deportaciones con una nueva propuesta legislativa. Además de las largas detenciones y prohibiciones de entrada, el proyecto también abre la puerta a análisis del almacenamiento de datos en toda la UE y a una evaluación de riesgos no transparente, con graves consecuencias - #migraciones #migration #EU #UE #emigración
New article published! “From Quarantine to Deglobalisation” by Tabea Scharrer, our RTG member Chinwe Beneditte Ogbonna, and Gerhild Perl is out in “Routed: Migration & (Im)mobility Magazine” (Issue 26). It explores shifting mobility under pandemic constraints. Read it here:
@unifreiburg @dfg_public @politicalscience @sociology @mehlera @histodons #migration #globalstudies #academicpublishing #histodons #sociology #politicalscience
A.B. was accused of "smuggling" or "boat driving". Despite a video showing him as a passenger, he waited five years for his trial, with a potential 60 year sentence looming over him. We are relieved by yesterday's decision, but will continue fighting against criminalization of people on the move.
"Today, the court issued a fair judgement. One that should have come 5 years ago. Thank you to the lawyers at Legal Centre Lesvos for standing with me all these years," A.B. following his acquittal.
"Particularly striking was the testimony of the Greek Coast Guard who suddenly 'remembered' being on the beach and saw our client driving the boat - a detail that was missing from his previous statements. Fortunately the court saw through his lies" - lesboslegal lawyer V. Aggelidou
Two other "boat driver" cases were tried in #Mytilene yesterday. The two defendants were convicted and sentenced to over 100 years each. These convictions are a stark reminder that A.B.'s acquittal is the exception rather than the rule. #Criminalisation of #migration must end!
Foreigners will be required to pass a language test with a new French immigration law.
Foreigners will now be required to pass a language exam if they wish to remain in the country. Tens of thousands will be affected by this decree.
For many who hold employment and have been living in the country for years, this new requirement could have a significant impact on their future in France.
Nun also diskutiert der deutsche #Bundestag endlich über #Verteidigung & #Klimakrise, über #Infrastruktur & #Zukunft. Was spielt kaum eine Rolle mehr? #Migration.
Nach meiner Auffassung wäre es die Aufgabe von #Medien & insbesondere des #ÖRR gewesen, im #Wahlkampf die wirklich wichtigen Themen zu fokussieren & die Kandidierenden danach zu befragen.
Das ist, so meine ich, leider kaum passiert. #Medienethik #Dialog #Verantwortung
March is when the Eastern Phoebes return and prepare for catching insects and nesting in the eaves of my shed! Their last 5 arrival dates have been: March 27, 23, 20, 23, 18.
The nest, which has been used in some capacity every year, was badly damaged this winter. The female usually fills in a few weathered holes, but this year it’ll take a much bigger restoration project.
You can make out the outline of previous years’ nests. Not much left.
Das Land Schleswig-Holstein steigt 2025 auf Open Source und LibreOffice um
Dass es machbar ist, beweisen fast 3.000 von @Labdoo_D mit IT-Spenden unterstützte Schulen und Projekte, die seit 16 Jahren Linux nutzen.
#labdoo #schleswigholstein #libreoffice #opensource #migration #linux @landesregierung @schleswigholstein
Neue Regierung: Österreich will Familiennachzug aussetzen
Die neue Regierung in Österreich hat beschlossen, den Familiennachzug auszusetzen: Flüchtlinge sollen keine Angehörigen mehr nachholen können. Der Schritt ist rechtlich umstritten - und muss noch durchs Parlament.
Der #Volksverpetzer am 11. März 2025 um 17:23:
Eine Studie hat gezeigt, dass die Angst vor der #AfD fast doppelt so groß ist wie die vor #Migration. Im Sondierungspapier von Union und SPD wurde #Rechtsextremismus mit keinem Wort erwähnt, Migration bekam fast zwei Seiten.
Mehr dazu:
‘Go home, Canadian’: Snowbird couple parting ways with U.S amid political climate
New Brunswick snowbird couple contemplates skipping Florida winter retreat as political climate between Canada and the U.S. intensifies.
#politics #migration #travel #Florida #Canada #US
Anyone with experience for account / instance migration in pixelfed?
I migrated my account from to, everything checked out well, but now after 2 days still have lost all (20) followers (on both instances), and my follows (50) are still on the old instance... Posts also have not migrated (although I did not even expect that would work)...
(already dropped a mail and a dm to their support, still waiting for response)
Der Erfolg der SPD
Der Sondierungserfolg der SPD liest sich wie die reine besitzbürgerlich-konservative Selbstbräsigkeit: dürftig in euphemistische Unverbindlichkeit gegossen tönt es nicht nur unterschwellig aggressiv die gesammte […] …
Zum Weiterlesen den Link benutzen.
#deutschland #migration #sondierung #spd #union
@jorgecandeias I hadn't thought of that. I lived in London as an American for 10 years, and I often referred to myself as an immigrant. But then I would also use the word 'expat' sometimes. It never occurred to me how one was negative and the other wasn't.
And yet, I was conscious of the difference a little bit. Because I would tell people that I was an immigrant, and I'd talk about laws that target immigrants (because they'd target me). And I was doing it on purpose because I sorta somehow knew that you don't usually call wealthy white people "immigrants." I wanted people to stop acting like "immigrants" are bad. They're just people. I was an #immigrant myself.
Thanks for opening my eyes. I was half aware before, but now I'm aware. We should start referring to all these Americans who are leaving the US over #Trump stuff "American migrants." And all the big money finance Americans who work in banks in London should be called "financial migrant workers."
Maybe the Americans who flee to France and Canada and Australia over medical issues are "healthcare asylum seekers."
#immigration #migration
#hummingbirds #usa #migration There is now distinct northward movement east of the Mississippi.