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Thanks for offering, yes, I accept the role of Ruler of the Writing Universe.

Is technical and business writing included in my role? I have one rule that is certain to make the world a better place: punctuate bullet lists!

The bullet points in your list don't suspend the laws of nature. You still need to end each bulleted item with a comma or semicolon, or a full stop for the final item.

(Same for mathematical writing and displayed equations.)

Yesterday was our favorite holiday — National Punctuation Day, of course! Here's a @Flipboard Storyboard from Reader's Digest featuring how to pluralize words that end in S, 12 grammar rules that have changed in the last decade, and the correct way to use colons. There's also a high-school English quiz in there. Do you know the answer to the question, what does "ductile" mean?

Flipboard · Let's Appreciate Proper PunctuationBy Reader's Digest



  1. Land granted to a priest in a church that has a source of income attached to it.


  1. Land that has a source of income attached to it, granted to a priest in a church.


  1. Land, granted to a priest in a church, that has a source of income attached to it.

#Punctuation matters.

(Also, gotta come up with a better way to say curo in English for all Xtian faiths.)

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