Salthill Village and Seafront Framework Plan
Take part in a public survey and share your views:
Salthill Village and Seafront Framework Plan
Take part in a public survey and share your views:
#Galway might be known for its lack of cycling infrastructure but its walking infrastructure is beyond compare!
Emma Gilleece looks at the architecture of the #Salthill Prom and how a streamlined modernist aesthetic is adapted for the climatic and social context of the west of Ireland
With its abundant seating, shelter, public toilets and integration with the landscape, it can tell us a lot about how we should be building public infrastructure today
Dear people of #Galway, this weekend there will be an Tóstal festival in #Salthill. Please come to see the traditional currach racing and the parade of our beauties, the Galway Hookers. If you participate in #darknessintolight2024, you'll also be able to see the Hookers sailing into the sunrise in support of the cause.
Please see the schedule (it seems like tiny traders market was canceled, but everything is according to the plan.)
Whales spotted swimming in Galway Bay today off the coast at Salthill
#Galway #Whales #Salthill
Ireland's transport network has its faults, but when it works, it works well.
My choice of transport also meant that I could enjoy a cycle along the #Salthill seafront in the early morning sunshine and stumble across a nice bit of civic architecture like this new library by McCarthy O'Hora Architects. #IrishArchitecture