"The chapters, constructed as 'multispecies stories,' ... consider ecologies & infrastructure together in novel ways that challenge our conceptual separations between the two. Readers will find a theoretically exciting & vibrantly composed read with OIL BEACH"
Thank you for this lovely review, Shelley Tuazon Guyton & IJOC!
Here's the book:
#Commodon #STS #EnvHist @ecologies @sts #OilBeach #multispecies #CriticalLogistics
Yesterday, the NEH posted new FAQs about how compliance with executive orders may impact funding for research and teaching. See diff by clicking "Text Changes" at the top of the page: https://visualping.io/diff/764625674?disableId=zy1p7IiHb0Ofklp
Today is the deadline for submitting chapter abstracts for the book proposal "Victimhood Identities in Mediatised Politics and Culture".
Follow the link for more information and submit a short 200 word abstract.
#Commodon #mediastudies
Tonight at 6pm in Washington, #DC, free and open to the public:
See me and @jesse discussing our new book THE SECRET LIFE OF DATA with @time reporter Andrew Chow at American University School of Communication.
Register here:
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-secret-life-of-data-by-aram-sinnreich-jesse-gilbert-tickets-1144789198309 #books #event #data #bookstodon #commodon
Come to Lisbon and let's talk about affect, emotion and media Submit your abstract until 28. February to contribute with your research! https://www.icnova.fcsh.unl.pt/call-for-abstracts-2025-ecrea-workshop-of-the-temporary-working-group-affect-emotion-media/
Of the many directions one's thoughts could take in listening to this, I'm thinking most of Andrew McStay's book, "Emotional AI." Quick thread… 1/8
New publication!
Information, Communication & Society just published our study “Mainstreaming and transnationalization of anti-gender ideas through social media: the case of CitizenGO” w/ @nicolarighetti, @Bruna, Zsófia Cseri, Sofia Iriarte, & Kateryna Maikovska
50 open-access copies are available at: https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/V9SRJQFI5SV5ZNVKZJHZ/full?target=10.1080/1369118X.2025.2470229
This study is particularly relevant in light of the current wave of traditionalist radicalism.
#commodon #computationalsocialscience
'I don’t think an opinion adhering to institutional conventions can be considered an “unpopular take.” Positioning it as unpopular masks a common opinion as marginalised. This type of perception skewing is reminiscent of Christian conservatives claiming God-fearing values are under attack despite Christianity dominating every echelon of American society.'
Inigo Laguda on language and grammar: https://www.yoursinigo.com/p/better-than-you-know-yourselves?open=false#%C2%A7grammar-the-conservative-undercurrent
Link to book, Trans Technologies, by Oliver L. Haimson:
#OpenAccess as soon as it's officially released! (Feb 25)
@commodon @sts #STS #Commodon #Bookstodon @bookstodon #TransTechnologies #MITPress
Here is the book, Bootlegging the Airwaves: Alternative Histories of Radio and Television Distribution
Publication alert! Actually it's a review, of Bootlegging the Airwaves: Alternative Histories of Radio and Television Distribution by Eleanor Patterson, in Technology and Culture
Good book for folks in media studies, fan studies, distribution studies, also Star Trek & wrestling fans?
I'm (hopefully) finishing my book manuscript this semester and have started a blog where I'll informally post ideas I'm working through. If you're having a particularly boring Saturday night, here's the first post (which gives a big nod to @ftripodi ).
I just finished organizing the Communication Law & Policy division of the #ICA2025 conference in Denver this year.
Now suddenly I'm getting emails from international scholars with "concerns about traveling to the U.S. for the conference in light of the political climate after the elections."
We're cutting ourselves off from our allies, our peers, our friends, our families. Which is undoubtedly the point.
Immensely chuffed to announce that my department at American University School of Communication will be welcoming the brilliant @rohangrover to our faculty this Fall as our newest Assistant Professor! #commodon #academia #mediastudies #internetstudies #surveillancestudies #dataprivacy
Fellow #MediaStudies #CommunicationStudies #Journalism #SoundStudies #PoliComm #PoliSci #Commodon #podcast scholars:
Check out this brand new #CFP for journal articles from Arthur Soto-Vásquez, Kim Fox, and myself:
Please share widely!
For anyone bringing #AI into their teaching this term, Tom Haigh just shared the syllabus for a new course titled "A Short History of Artificial Intelligence" (based on his forthcoming book). The supplemental readings offer a nice slice through the literature, from subject area experts to popular perspectives.
As Los Angeles burns, the fossil fuel industry is both on the defensive & turning to some particularly ugly rhetorical behavior to escape scrutiny.
I write about their appropriation of environmental justice advocates' language of civil rights in a brand-new pub:
The year is 1927. The Federal Radio Commission (forerunner to the FCC) has just been formed and America's airwaves are still a morass of largely unregulated broadcasters. The Commission must decide which ones are providing quality content.
Commissioner Henry Adams Bellows, already exasperated, gives an early account of the thankless nature of content moderation:
(Quoted in Erik Barnouw's "A Tower in Babel.")
It's not too late to buy "The Secret Life of Data" for that special layperson in your life.
You know—the one whom you've tried to explain a bunch of times why they should care about #data #privacy, shun Musk, join Mastodon, unplug Alexa, avoid NFTs, listen to #AI critics & maybe stop tagging you on Facebook all the time.
https://mitpress.mit.edu/9780262048811/the-secret-life-of-data/ #books #gifts #commodon