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John Calvin, early Calvinist, writes on Amos 8:5. A few rich held the country in famine. Amos asks the rich if God was to harsh with them for killing their compatriots with want?

Calvin and Amos held that a rich person could hold people in famine. Today, would we instead blame the “Amoses” of the day for interfering in the deeds of the rich?

How can you hold worship in its proper place, and act in the marketplace with integrity and justice?

"There is no word for relocation in the Navajo-Diné language. To relocate means to disappear and never return. The earth; the animals; things that cannot talk. Those are who you are defending."

An Introduction to Coal Mining on Hopi and Navajo lands


#PhantastikPrompts DEC-12 Wie würdest du deine Geschichte beim Publikum ankündigen, wenn sie bei einem Fest als Theaterstück aufgeführt würde?

"Liebe Zuschauer*innen, ich hätte nie gedacht, dass eine Geschichte mit so viel Sexszenen auf einer Bühne aufgeführt werden würde – und das auch noch vor 22:00 Uhr. Um ehrlich zu sein, weiß ich immer noch nicht, wie die das gelöst haben. Aber finden wir es doch gemeinsam heraus!"

the #foryou tab on #twitter has become really scary;
althogh i follow very different interests (many experts there), i mostly get;
farright takes, blunt violence, agitation against groups and individuals, and of course many unaskt for #elonmusk posts. i mean they are ridiculous; i bet he has several b-accounts for the single purpose to be able to retweet; petiable better-version-of-him-self#ai-renderings, reactionary shit, dogwistle #racism, etc.

DATE: September 23, 2024 at 11:44AM
SOURCE: NYU Information for Practice

TITLE: #ForYou? The impact of pro-ana TikTok content on body image dissatisfaction and internalisation of societal beauty standards



The post #ForYou? The impact of pro-ana TikTok content on body image dissatisfaction and internalisation of societal beauty standards was curated by information for practice.



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information for practice · #ForYou? The impact of pro-ana TikTok content on body image dissatisfaction and internalisation of societal beauty standards - information for practice

#WritersCoffeeClub JUL-17 POV> Do we experience your WIP through a particular POV, or does the focus move? Whose POV do you mainly use?

I usually do third person, but of #ForYou I recently tried first person to make it more intimate. From experience, it's usually beginners and professional writers who do first person while intermediate writers tend to use third person because first didn't work as a beginner and only will when being a professional writer.
