I embrace language change, but I'm real real interested to see if "may I help who's next" becomes a productive sentence structure, or calcifies instead, considering how strongly ungrammatical I find it.
I embrace language change, but I'm real real interested to see if "may I help who's next" becomes a productive sentence structure, or calcifies instead, considering how strongly ungrammatical I find it.
Shop Insistents (npl) - machines that remind you to scan your items or pay if it takes you more than 2 seconds to find a barcode. #idiolect
nupdate (n) - when you update something without actually changing it in the hope that something will unstick or reregister. Null update. Still occasionally needed in odd bits of the cloud
Record Scratch (n, fedi) — toot deep in a thread which makes negative sense outside of the thread but which you hit first due to boosts and reverse chronology
I find vagina_museum@masto.ai a reliable source of these
I usually just document stuff I actually say, but I coined this one today
pebka (n) - the unit of time between entering a password and realising your keyboard is not connected to a computer
I didn't know there was an #idiolect hashtag that was looking for people to pay attention to it. This is where I learned the idea of an #idiolect, the notion of an individual specific dialectical form: From a language coach talking about the work involved in impersonating a *person* well, including getting their language right.
@derwinmcgeary Tricky! They're such natural parts of vocabulary as to not notice them!
Some #familect ones from @curatedjenny and me:
"Binwards" (in the direction of the bin, although not necessarily all the way into said bin)
"Böking" (The act of wrestling with an unwieldy object like a large box - Swenglish. I can't think of how to write it phonetically in English!)
"I'm small" (Feeling emotionally vulnerable)
"Ketlon" (Putting the kettle on)
I have loads of #idiolect ones too, I expect!
Am not quite sure my contribution is #Idiolect maybe it's #Dialect ...
R ... pronounced Ar ... meaning "yes"
"Oh R" indicating strong agreement.
Prevalent in the #BlackCountry and #Birmingham areas of the Midlands of England.
(Pronounced rather more curtly than the "Ooooh Arrrrr" attributed to country bumpkins and pirates with peglegs and parrots on their shoulders.)
unagi - the word of strength needed to encourage someone when opening a particularly tough nut or tight jar. I think it's Japanese for eel and I have no idea how it gained this position in our family via Russian.
containment breach — when a half-forgotten post starts getting notifications and you check to see if you said something particularly daft or heinous
ShoutOps (n) - everything is achieved by people shouting, escalating, and making a fuss until someone does a rush job. When the rush job fails, people shout until someone fixes it. The fix is a rush job.
Enterprise ShoutOps can do this on multiple levels, keeping the same basic cycle
human on main (n) — when someone you follow for technical or informative content posts about how their dishwasher is broken, or they have an anniversary or a hot date, or that they're Having a Day.
Horny on main is a subset of this, but the best thing about less "professional" platforms is actually getting to see and be the human being and not just some idealised tech poster, activist, joke poster, or artist, so I prefer to frame it positively.
I've been trying to seed the #idiolect hashtag for a wee while now. Your idiolect is the particular way you speak. If it's spread to the family it's a #familect .
I'm curious: what words are in your #idiolect ? Bits of random ancestral languages that still persist? Jokes that turned into the new name? Onomatopoeia for a thing you never quite got a name for?
Earlobe Curls (npl) - any exercise done with a suspiciously small and light weight where you realise that it's going to be done with some muscle group you barely use and hurt after about 8 reps
Came across this chapter on by Tim Grant - I loved the sophisticated theoretical discussion about the idea of idiolect and cognitive & stylistic frameworks!
Also, can I just say “4n6” is genius not going to spell the word any other way from now on
#forensiclinguistics #forensics #FL #stylistics #idiolect #LingoDon #linguistics
Hello Moon - the program you write after the first example program to check that you understand the system well enough to modify what it does in a predictable way
Echoes (n. pl) - when you become aware of news not from hearing about the event, but only from seeing the jokes about the event on Fedi
GSP Syndrome — Glue Stronger than Packaging. When you try to open a container by hand and realise the glue holding the lid on is considerably stronger than the actual lid. You sigh and find something to cut it instead.
As you may know, your idiolect is your individual speech pattern / choice of words. It particularly includes any unusual or unique words or phrases you favor.
Today, from Bob's Idiolect:
Spongebob, verb: In lieu of a nice long shower, to perform, while standing up, a fast wash 'n' dry of one's sweatier bits. "We can leave in 10 minutes — just let me spongebob a bit."