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A place for linguists, philologists, and other lovers of languages.

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Hello! I am Tovitas(he/him) and I am EXITED AS FUUUCK to be here!

- I speak English, German, some Dutch and a bit of Swedish (still learning).

- I like reading, playing table tennis, and playing games on my PC!

-I am also very interested in philosophy, history, and politics.

-My Timezone is GMT +1

I am here to make friends and expand my knowledge of everything that interests me :P

Hello everybody!

I guess it is time for an #introductions

I am June, from Vancouver, Canada. My gender is 422. 🤷‍♀️

Gosh, I'm supposed to describe who I am and my life? No idea where to start.
I am an extrovert, survivor, and kind of 3 cats in a trench coat, pretty sure one of them is a racoon in disguise.

For what I do: I develop my own video games (Unreal), make art in various mediums (traditional, digital, photography, 3D, interactive,...) and DJ for my friends. I love hikes, road-trips, raves, novelty and being like, super weird. I also freedive a lot and read mental health scholarly articles for fun.

I do not especially identify as transgender, but gender transition is what I am engaged in.

I am part of a polyamory / relationship anarchist family with my partner, where I am helping raise a lovely (and quite hilarious) child.

I am currently in collaboration to attempt at creating a prosocial co-op studio with a friend, hoping to bring mental health-focused cosy games on the market. Because, you know, late-stage economic and environment collapses are kind of turning everybody a bit mad.

I am a big proponent of finding joy, grace, support and hope when facing struggle. One faces pain easier when equipped with joy, and one accesses joy easier when facing pain.

As diagnosed AuDHD +& in resolution stage, I write about philosophy, social justice, transformation, decolonization and mental health. I also do pro-bono trauma coaching and crisis support for gender and neurodiverse communities and consulting services for therapists looking to better support clients on the neurodiverse & dissociative spectrums. (I would argue that going into the mental health field after 15 years in games is kind of the pipeline 😅 ).

Regarding who I am? If you're a bit into tarot, I'll say that I could identify as the explosive mix of The Fool, The Magician & The Empress. Something like that: I enjoy traveling between worlds and seeking natural truth.

Nice to meet y'all!

Replied in thread

- Seeing posts on here that have absolutely nothing to do with the news.“
Thats what I‘m often looking for. (Thats why i follow you ) Just want to drop the hashtag #SchönesGegenDoofes. (Like beautiful against stupid) Some German speaking people try to reanimate that former quite popular hashtag. I‘m #newhere and I‘d like to Push that again.
*my English isn‘t good enough to get the fine sense of all. Stupid may be not the very right translation for „doof“.

👋 Hi everyone, we’re CCC, a worker-led global network fighting to improve the working conditions in the fashion industry.

We heard that you’re also not fond of billionaires over here. We spend a lot of time targeting the wealthy fashion CEOs profiting from worker exploitation.

Case in point: the Zara founder enjoying his $300 million super yacht while thousands of workers making Zara’s clothes face blanket charges for protesting poverty wages in Bangladesh.

Replied in thread

@joec welcome! Transatlantic networking with the help of Fediverse / MASTODON 🐘🐘.

Auf MASTODON 🐘 🐘 ist DeepL hinterlegt, so dass du mit sehr vielen Leuten in sehr vielen verschiedenen Sprachen kommunizieren kannst.

MASTODON 🐘 🐘 has DeepL, so you can communicate with lots of people in lots of different languages.

Enjoy your journey here!

#Neuhier – Hallo Mastodon!
(english Version below)

Ich freue mich, dass @karen mich eingeladen hat hier dabei zu sein!

Wer bin ich?

Ich habe die Professur und Studiengangsleitung für Wirtschaftspsychologie an der HFH · Hamburger Fern-Hochschule inne. Meine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen #Personalmarketing, #Personalauswahl, #Eignungsdiagnostik sowie #Stressresistenz. Mich begeistert #Recrutainment, als die #Gamification der #Personalgewinnung. Ich verfüge über mehrjährige Führungserfahrung in unterschiedlichen Funktionen des Personalbereichs beim Militär, im Handel und der Logistik.

Was könnt ihr hier erwarten?

Einblicke in die #Forschung, #Praxis und #Lehre rund um die Gewinnung von passendem Personal im Allgemeinen und mit dem gezielten Einsatz von #Gamification im Besonderen.

Ich freue mich auf einen interessanten Austausch und neue Perspektiven!

Mit wem sollte ich mich dazu unbedingt vernetzen? Ich freue mich über Eure Vorschläge und Ideen!

Danke an @karen und @derralf, die mir helfen mich hier zurechtzufinden.

#NewHere – Hello Mastodon!
(Deutsche Version oben)

I'm excited that @karen invited me to join this platform!

Who am I?

I hold the professorship and program leadership for Business Psychology at HFH · Hamburger Fern-Hochschule. My research focuses on #EmployerBranding, #PersonnelSelection, #AssessmentDiagnostics, and #StressResilience. I am passionate about #Recrutainment, the #Gamification of #TalentAcquisition. I have several years of leadership experience in various HR functions within the military, retail, and logistics sectors.

What can you expect here?

Insights into #Research, #Practice, and #Teaching related to recruiting the right talent in general, and the targeted use of #Gamification in particular.

I'm looking forward to engaging discussions and fresh perspectives!

Who should I definitely connect with on this topic? I’d love to hear your suggestions and ideas!

Thanks to @karen and @derralf for helping me get started here.

Replied in thread

@joec You will see posts from those other instances, your instance is connected with. And yes, you can move from one instance to the other as you like. Try to follow some interesting hashtags and you will find new persons and interesting topics from a lot of other instances. (Hey world, he is #newhere #neuhier).

A belated #introduction.

Hello Fediverse,
We are the #FediverseFoundation. As a non-profit association we're hosting and moderating instances, go to different events and lobby for the Fediverse since 2023.
From now on you'll be able to follow this account for updates, including downtimes, new instances and tools, small and large developments of our association and of course regular calls for donations.
Some cool updates will follow soon.

Btw you can find our bank info at

We're also happy to share our server infrastructure and host your Fediverse instance, to save money and resources together.

Long live the Fediverse!

More from Fediverse Foundation

Hi. #mastodon . I’m #newhere and #nowhere to #nobody . I am a non playing character that is no more important to anyone else as we walk past each other in the street. But #remember #people all have a #story. #stop and #listen . You will learn #human #community #matters when you get to know your #neighbour . You all matter and we are #allinthistogether . I’ve never met you. Just not yet. Get to know me. Let’s start getting along . #punk #unity #love #photo #peace #world

Vorstellungsrunde! #neuhier ist mit mir auch Ylvi. Sie wird im August drei Jahre alt (Himmel, wie die Zeit vergeht) und ist ein Europäischer Schlittenhund. Und damit sind wir mitten drin im #zughundesport. Ylvi ist ein Traumerfüller-Hund. Mit Mette und Bounty habe ich den Sport vor vielen Jahren begonnen, aber es war einfach nie so ganz ihrs. So richtig Spaß am Ziehen hatten sie nur in der Gruppe. "Die dicke Mutti allein durch den Wald ziehen? Näää, wir gehen viel lieber spazieren!" Und so wuchs und wuchs und wuchs der Wunsch nach einem Hund, der Bock auf den Sport hat, dem das Ziehen und Laufen in den Genen liegt. Und so kam irgendwann Ylvi zu uns. Als Welpe mit 13 Wochen. Mein erster Welpe. Wie aufregend!

Was wollt ihr als nächstes über uns wissen? Mehr über die Welpenzeit? Den Zughundesport? Stellt Fragen, ich freu mich drauf!

Foto: Anke (eine gute Freundin, immer noch nicht hier)
Model: Ylvi, Europäischer Schlittenhund, 2 Jahre

Introduction round! Ylvi is also #newhere with me. She will be three years old in August (heaven, how time flies) and is a European sled dog. And that puts us right in the middle of the #sleddogsports. Ylvi is a dog that fills my dreams. I started the sport with Mette and Bounty many years ago, but it was just never quite their thing. They only really enjoyed pulling when they were in a group. ‘Dragging that chubby mummy through the forest all by ourselves? Nah, we'd much rather go for a walk!’ And so the desire for a dog that was just as keen on the sport as I was, that had pulling and running in its genes, grew and grew. And at so some point Ylvi came to us. As a puppy at 13 weeks old. My first puppy. How exciting!

What do you want to know about us next? More about puppyhood? The #sleddog sport? Ask questions, I'm looking forward to it!

Pic: Anke (a good friend, still not here)
Model: Ylvi, European Sleddog (ESD -> Emotional Support Dog?), 2 years

#dogs #dogsofpixelfed #canicross #bikejoring #dogscooter #zughundesportverbindet #dogsofmastodon #sleddogs #sleddogsportsunites #photography #introduction #europeansleddog #dogphotography

#Neuhier – Hallo Mastodon! 👋
(english Version below)

Ich freue mich, hier dabei zu sein! 🙌

🔹 Wer bin ich?
Ich bin #Wissenschaftlerin aus dem Bereich der #Wirtschaftspsychologie und #Wirtschaftsinformatik und beschäftige mich intensiv mit #Transformationen und damit zusammenhängende Aspekte wie #Agilität, #Führung und #Digitalisierung / #KI – insbesondere mit der Frage, wie dieses ominöse agile #Mindset entsteht und welche Faktoren es beeinflussen.

🔹 Was könnt ihr hier erwarten?
✨ Einblicke in die #Forschung, #Praxis und #Lehre rund um Menschen bei der Arbeit
✨ Diskussionen und Austausch zu Agilität, #Scrum, #KI (in der #Lehre), #PsychologischeSicherheit, Führung, und Mindset

Ich freue mich auf spannende Gespräche und neue Perspektiven! 🚀

Mit wem sollte ich mich dazu unbedingt vernetzen? Ich freue mich über Eure Vorschläge und Ideen! 😊

Danke an @derralf, der mir geholfen hat, endlich einen jetzt "aktiven" Anfang in Mastodon zu wagen 🙏


#NewHere – Hello Mastodon! 👋

Excited to be here! 🙌

🔹 Who am I?
I’m a researcher in the fields of business psychology and business informatics, deeply engaged in transformation topics, including agility, leadership, and digitalization/AI. My main focus: How does this elusive agile mindset emerge, and what factors influence it?

🔹 What can you expect here?
✨ Insights into #research, practice, and #teaching, about people at work
✨ Discussions and exchanges on #agility, #scrum, #AI (in #education) #psychologicalsafety, #leadership and #mindset

Looking forward to exciting conversations and new perspectives! 🚀

Who should I definitely connect with on these topics? I’d love to hear your suggestions and ideas! 😊

Big thanks to @derralf for helping me finally take the leap and become active on Mastodon! 🙏

Vorstellungsrunde! #neuhier ist mit mir auch Mette, meine 10 Jahre alte Mischlingshündin. Ja, okay, sie wird erst im Juni 10. Mette ist als Zweithund zu uns gekommen. Sie stammt - wie auch unsere Bounty - aus dem Tierschutz. Während Bounty aber aus einem deutschen Tierheim ist, kommt Mette aus Italien. Sie war schon bei ihrer Pflegestelle in Deutschland angekommen, es war eine Bekannte von mir, die wusste, dass ich einen zweiten Hund suche. Naja und da kam es eben wie es kommen musste. Mette zog bei uns ein. Und sie ist nicht mehr wegzudenken. Sie ist der absolute Kuschelhund. Eine Katze. Sie liebt die Wärme, tobt aber genauso gern im Schnee. Ach und sie schaut ganz gerne mal als trüge sie alles Leid der Welt auf ihren Schultern. Am liebsten auf Fotos. ;)

Foto: Anke (eine gute Freundin, noch nicht hier)
Model: Mette, Mischling, 9 Jahre

Introduction round! Mette, my 10-year-old mixed-breed dog, is also #newhere with me. Yes, okay, she won't be 10 until June. Mette joined us as a second dog. Like Bounty, she comes from an animal shelter. But while Bounty is from a German animal shelter, Mette comes from Italy. She had already arrived at her foster home in Germany, it was a friend of mine who knew that I was looking for a second dog. Well, and then it happened as it had to. Mette moved in with us. And it's hard to imagine life without her. She is the ultimate cuddly dog. A cat. She loves the warmth, but also loves to romp in the snow. Oh, and she likes to look like she's carrying all the world's misery on her shoulders. Preferably in photos ;)

Pic:📸 Anke (a good friend, not here yet)
Model: Mette, mix breed, 9 years old

#dogs #dogsofpixelfed #canicross #bikejoring #dogscooter #zughundesportverbindet #dogsofmastodon #sleddog #sleddogs #sleddogsportsunites #photography #introduction
Vorstellungsrunde! #neuhier ist mit mir auch Bounty, meine 14 Jahre alte Mischlingshündin. Sie war mein erster Hund und hat mich Geduld gelehrt. Das macht sie jetzt, wo sie in die Jahre gekommen ist, wieder. Wie langsam kann man spazieren gehen? Wie lange kann man an einer Stelle riechen? Bounty sagt: Ja! :D Aber ich bin dankbar, dass sie noch da ist. Vor wenigen Wochen wurde ihr die Milz entfernt. Es war ein riesiges Hämatom, fast so groß wie ein Fußball und 3 kg schwer. Das hätte jederzeit platzen können. Zum Glück haben wir es rechtzeitig bemerkt. Und so genießen wir jetzt die Zeit, die wir noch haben. Und machen die 15 dieses Jahr voll.

Foto: Anke (eine gute Freundin, noch nicht hier)
Model: Bounty, Border-Collie-Mix, 14 Jahre

Introduction round! Bounty, my 14 year old mixed breed dog, is also #newhere with me. She was my first dog and taught me patience. Now that she's getting on in years, she's doing it again. How slow can you go for a walk? How long can you smell one spot? Bounty says: Yes! :D But I'm grateful that she's still here. She had her spleen removed a few weeks ago. It was a huge hematoma, almost as big as a soccer ball and weighing 3 kg. It could have burst at any time. Fortunately, we noticed it in time. So now we're enjoying the time we have left. And make it to 15 this year.

Pic:📸 Anke (a good friend, not here yet)
Model: Bounty, border collie mix, 14 years old

#dogs #dogsofpixelfed #canicross #bikejoring #dogscooter #zughundesportverbindet #dogsofmastodon #sleddog #sleddogs #sleddogsportsunites #photography


Hello everyone, I would like to introduce myself very briefly. I'm an anarchist, actually I've been one since I can remember. I'm older, really old for an anarchist, and not new to Masto. I think times are really bad for all of us, but it's even worse when we feel like we're alone in all this. Because of severe chron. Illness, it doesn't work so well with barricades anymore. What I wish for is exchange and contact with other anarchists so that I can endure the bourgeoisie as long as it exists. Thank you.

Please no Hammer and Sickle fans and no fans of the state system, I'll burn them. Thank you.