Influencers gone wild. This inconsiderate person spent almost 30 minutes in front of the Bridge of Sighs in Venice dead center taking endless shots with minute angle changes. I finally gave up and moved right next to her. Seriously people #rude #inconsiderate #badtourists
#Tierheimtier des Monats Dezember
Der achtjährige Merlin kommt ursprünglich aus einem #Tierheim in Ungarn, das schließen musste. Seit zwei Jahren wartet der kastrierte #Rüde nun schon im Tierschutzverein #Radolfzell auf ein liebevolles Zuhause bei hundeerfahrenen Menschen ohne kleine Kinder, andere Hunde oder Tiere. Die neuen Halter sollten Geduld und Zeit mitbringen, um mit ihm weiter an seinen Unsicherheiten zu arbeiten.
#Hund #dogs #DogsOfMastodon
My now obligatory moan about pensioners (without carers) doing their shopping on a Saturday when they could probably do it any day of the week...
#rude #inconsiderate
I have a #RUDE philosophy on #debate:
#Reconcile, #Update, #Disagree, #Expose
1. Parties reconcile differences & move on
2. One party realizes their assumptions were outdated. Update & move on
3. Parties agree to disagree & move on
4. One party exposes themselves as a troll and refuses to move on.
You were a senate page. OK, turn the page. We are in a different era.
You came here extolling experience & caution, but have done nothing except drag us all down
When you see someone boosting a #Fediverse post via a screen shot and the screen shot has the glyph indicating it has alt-text, but there is no alt-text for the screenshot and they didn't even include a link to the original post or poster …
… and you realize the jerk posting the screenshot is an asshole who could have simply boosted the original post, but wanted to make it all about themself; so you block them.
#tfw you're traveling home after a work trip and when you get home you discover that the invitation for an important meeting you were supposed to attend was sent while you were in the air, less than 3 hours before the meeting.
On a Friday. At an org where many people work compressed work schedules that don't include Friday afternoons.
It is _never_ OK to schedule a meeting for something that isn't time-critical with less than a full work day's notice.
#wtaf #smdh #rude
the university where i "teach" !? jeez, dude, do you think i have brains or not? #rude #monsterdon
When I see someone drive the same car I’m driving, I always want to high-five the driver. I stick my arm out the window as far as I can. But they never do the same.
Ug. Fuck you trees with your unrestrained sex blowing all over the place, getting all up in my face. Ug.
#rude #allergies
It is wild to me how many people have so few manners that they just watch videos with sound, have phone conversations and listen to audios - with no headphones - while on transport like the Metro or a train.
As my dad would say, were you raised in a barn?!?
He was raised on a farm, so I think this is country-style insult.
But seriously, put on headphones!
#manners #rude #sayings
An observation as someone who uses public transportation on multiple continents: Europeans will, almost without fail, use the exit at the middle of the bus while I'd say close to half of Americans will insist of using the entrance at the front of the bus to get off even if they have to walk past the exit to get to it. #Rude
Most of the people I've encountered at the airport and on the plane have been perfectly pleasant and polite, but for the record, people who use electronic devices with sound without headphones on an airplane are on my "summary execution when I become dictator for life" list. #rude
So .... here's a tip to anyone holidaying in the Highlands. If you're passing someone's house, and the owners smiles and says a friendly "hello", don't just stare back at them as if they have two heads eh?!