Admiring that Canadian moxie in standing up to Gilead today, wish my island weren't so meek and cowardly.
Admiring that Canadian moxie in standing up to Gilead today, wish my island weren't so meek and cowardly.
If only we warned somehow ….. if only there were a way to know this would happen …. #brexit #tory #tories #toryscum #politics #ukpolitics #bbc #news #EU #Labour #keirstarmer #Starmer #labourparty #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption #farage #nigelfarage #reformuk #Gammons #KemiBadenoch
"Google refuses to deny it received encryption order from UK government"
The UK’s encryption-breaking order for a backdoor into iCloud isn’t a one-off.
The secret hearing happening RIGHT NOW is bigger than just Apple. If the government wins, our right to privacy and security falls.
Other services will be hit.
Sign our petition
No one really knows how the game is played
The art of the trade
How the sausage gets made
We just assume that it happens
But no one else is in
The room where it happens.
Blogs, forums and fedi instances are facing burdensome duties and penalties imposed by the UK #OnlineSafetyAct.
Despite being small and safely moderated, the Act sweeps them up into the same regime as platforms like Facebook and X. This is overkill, resulting in many shutting down or blocking UK users.
With the duties going live on 17 March, urgent action is required to exempt small sites.
Act NOW to #SaveOurSites
The battle for encryption happens TODAY. Your right to privacy and security will be decided behind your back.
We call for the hearing to be made public.
Encryption must be protected from this slippery slope.
Sign and share our petition to have your say
"This is a significant test for the battle between law enforcement and technology.”
Holding the Apple case in secret makes the legal process more cloak and dagger, less scales and sword.
It makes it harder to challenge the UK government's order to break encryption and creates a dangerous precedent.
This case sets the stage for more shady encryption-breaking orders to be made.
Why is this unelected POS, grifter accompanying the Secretary of State and Emma Little-Pengelly? He has no business being part of the official delegation in Washington. It’s a very poor look for #Labour if they are bringing such individuals along.
#DUP #NIPolitics #UKPolitics UPDATE: I suspect he’s there to get involved in the special events for the 250 ‘celebrations’ of the USA existence as a country, stolen from its native peoples: and to yap about the Open at Portrush later this year.
Break the silence: Save encryption!
The UK government wants to be able to access anything, anywhere, any time — from your pics to your docs.
It begins with Apple. Other services will be next. That's why we must take a stand NOW!
Sign and share our petition
The message is clear across the political divide: let's hear it!
The UK government should argue in open court why they want to make us less secure by ordering a backdoor into Apple encryption.
A secret Tribunal would be an affront to the privacy and security issues at stake. It must be held in public.
Read the joint letter from ORG, Big Brother Watch and Index on Censorship
UK MPs have joined the chorus of voices wanting the Apple case to be held in public.
"If the Home Office wants to have effectively unfettered access to the private data of the (innocent) general public, they should explain their case in front of the public."
David Davis MP.
"People deserve to know what's happening to their private personal information."
Victoria Collins MP.
Make it public!
The call is getting louder for a public hearing of the appeal over the UK's order to break Apple encryption.
Alongside the joint letter from ORG, Big Brother Watch and Index on Censorship, UK MPs, US Congress Members and the BBC want the secrecy to end.
It's like people don't trust this Labour government at all, that we could believe they would abolish the WHOLE of the NHS.
We just don't trust them. Six months in and we know they're about the Rich and not about us. Occasionally we get little crumbs from the table, but it's not bold, it's not radical, and that is what we want now. Real Change, not more "Rich People get to win"
We are know "Difficult decisions" always means "The Poor will suffer, my Rich friends will not"
"We're celebrating 40 years of (Government not funding social programs) Comic Relief!"
White folk in Britain should watch Steve McQueen's 'Small Axe' series and educate ourselves on how racist our State was/is.
A different sort of Racism from what we see in America, but institutionalised racism all the same.
But of course, Wes Streeting know better than all these people. Look at his nice suits, his carefully managed hair, the way he smiles right through you like you don't exist....
More reactions, and Wes Streeting going back on his word (shock!)
“There is significant public interest in knowing when and on what basis the UK government believes that it can compel a private company to undermine the privacy and security of its customers.”
ORG, Big Brother Watch and Index on Censorship call for the Tribunal into the UK government's secret order for Apple to break encryption to be held in public.
The case happens TOMORROW.
Read more