Edwin G. :mapleleafroundel:<p>To the United Statesians thinking that annexing Canada is funny or a good idea.<br>- - -<br>I really hate the thought of even writing this.</p><p>But it’s time to be abundantly clear. That idea of invading Canada might have been funny… the first time… in the 1770s.</p><p>But, wake the fuck up! We’re in 2025, not in the 1770s.</p><p>Your government is ruining the relationships with its own partners and allies. Today, you started a trade war on the World, including Australia, the European Union, Mexico, the United Kingdom. That’s on top of the one with Canada and Mexico from last week.<br>You will pay for that trade war, because that’s how tariffs work. There’s another way to call them: import taxes.</p><p>On top of that, your government doing way worse, your government is threatening to invade Canada, Greenland and Panama.<br>How would you feel if YOUR next door neighbour - Mr. Smith - decided to take YOUR OWN house, make it THEIRS and YOU don’t have a say in it. Let that sink in. Would YOU be okay with that? That's what you're threatening us with.</p><p>You know Canadians’ reputation for being calm and polite, usually going their merry way. Today, Canadians are rightfully angry, we are actually fucking pissed. And yet, you don't understand our reaction when we boo your national anthem?<br>We chose to have our own home, our own country - it’s democratic, independent, sovereign, strong and free. It was and it is OUR rightful decision to make, not yours.<br>It tries its hardest to do the best it can to support its population. It’s not perfect, make no mistake - we have many things to be rightfully ashamed for, but we work on ourselves almost every day.</p><p>So, to voice our anger:<br>- Yes, we will boo your anthem.<br>- Yes, we will not buy your goods. <br>- Yes, we will avoid stepping foot on your side of the border.<br>- Yes, we are fighting back and continue doing so.<br>- No, we won’t give up.<br>- No, you won’t take Canada, Greenland or Panama.</p><p>
AND IF YOU STILL THINK THIS IS WHOLE THING IS A JOKE... NO, WE DO NOT FIND THIS FUCKING FUNNY AT ALL! IT HAS NEVER BEEN FUNNY TO US!</p><p>No one fucking wants any of this, because there will be no winners on any side. You will suffer, we will suffer.</p><p>Sincerely, <br>—This Really Angry and Annoyed Canadian</p><p><a href="https://mstdn.moimeme.ca/tags/Canada" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>Canada</span></a> <a href="https://mstdn.moimeme.ca/tags/USA" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>USA</span></a> <a href="https://mstdn.moimeme.ca/tags/USpoli" class="mention hashtag" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">#<span>USpoli</span></a></p>