is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
A place for linguists, philologists, and other lovers of languages.

Server stats:

active users

Reminder that you don't need to use your real/legal name on here. You can call yourself whatever you want (as long as you're not impersonating someone else).

You also don't need to have a photo of yourself, or any photo at all. Blind users often don't use photos on profiles, so don't be surprised if you see a profile with an empty space. An empty picture is not a sign of a spammer on here.

The only info you need when signing up is a working email address, and only your server's admin sees it.

Neverfadingwood 🇺🇦

@feditips Non photo is fine, but empty bio means I'm not going to follow. Why should I?


Agreed. The bio text needs to contain something to at least let people know you're a human being.