#introduction! I'm a #discourseAnalyst/#linguist who works as a #professor at #SyracuseUniversity in the #Communication & Rhetorical Studies department. I study identity, knowledge, #media, & culture in everyday conversation & in online contexts, in North American English and Mexican Spanish. My book is called Millennials Talking Media, and is about media references in everyday talk. I dabble in #emca. In addition to language/life as a linguist I also post about #art #film #music #literature
My #linguist hashtag didn’t work and I feel that that’s very important!
@sociolinguista Welcome! I have read and enjoyed your work.
@IPEdmonton thank you so much!
Well don’t you sound just fascinating.
*taps follow button*
@aBirdieOnaWire Thank you, and likewise!
@sociolinguista welcome here, I know your book of course it has a really pawsome cover on top of everything
@sociolinguista edit it and reblog?
@inomikou Will that undo all the previous reblogs and favs from others?
@sociolinguista no! Interestingly I checked in the notifications and the people who had reblogged the inital one now appear like reblogging the edited one. (If that makes sense)
@sociolinguista there’s just n asterisk next to my message indicating it ha been edited
@inomikou awesome! Thanks!!
@sociolinguista which brings me to the important question. Why aren there any #hashtags in my #introduction ? Haha well lesson learned for the future