Worlds of IF (January 1953)
Love it. Completely mad but instantly understandable.
Fun fact, the farming term for doing this used to be "broadcasting".
Original magazine:
Worlds of IF (January 1953)
Love it. Completely mad but instantly understandable.
Fun fact, the farming term for doing this used to be "broadcasting".
Original magazine:
Weird Tales vol. 43, no. 3 (March 1951)
This is a bit of a mishmash, I don't really like it. If you're going to do a collage of ten different images, tie them together better?
Forgive me for being so judgemental, underpaid genre-magazine designer from 1951. I don't know your life.
Original magazine:
Worlds of IF (April 1957)
Her pose is so outrageously cheesecakey you have to laugh. Oh my, you've caught me clad only in an impractically small towel! And the alien is wolf-whistling with one of his many limbs, seriously?
Original magazine:
Two Complete Science-Adventure Books vol. 1, no. 10 (December 1953)
The poor woman in the top-left portion of the cover is about to meet a terrible fate, right? She's going to be read Vogon poetry from that book.
Lower right … "ballroom" of the skies? Those ships are *performing* for the giant creature, not just escaping from it?
Original magazine:
Weird Tales vol. 24, no. 4 (October 1934)
Instagram influencers beware. This woman is violating social norms for clout and I'm pretty sure she comes to a bad end.
The weirdest story ever told! In Weird Tales magazine no less! All I get so far is "pretty lady kisses statue". I've done weirder stuff than that when drunk.
Original magazine:
Amazing Stories vol. 10, no. 11 (August 1936)
The man who shrank, and whose strangely prosaic shorts luckily shrank with him, sparing his modesty. I'm not sure which giant-to-him phenomenon is shooting the lightning. Has he shrunk down to molecule lever, skipping the traditional threats like the cat and the vacuum cleaner?
Original magazine:
Astounding vol. 51, no. 3 (May 1953)
This is both ugly and incomprehensible, so yeah. I can't find anything to like here at all. Which I suppose makes it unique among all the thousands of images posted by this account?
Original magazine:
Famous Fantastic Mysteries vol. 9, no. 5 (June 1948)
Wow, this is pretty wild. Lots of places in the UK are called "The Devil's Punchbowl" but this is very literal. He's going to eat the angel first and leave the regular humans with no wings for later?
Original magazine:
Weird Tales vol. 21, no. 3 (March 1933)
No subtlety here, just plain nudity, though the angle/posture is very careful I guess. She has amazing hair. Society was obsessed with red hair back then, right? Nowadays it's scorned. Who are our red-haired role models? Julianne Moore? Ellie Kemper?
Original magazine:
Amazing Stories vol. 9, no. 3 (July 1934)
I really like how the aliens are seen from the back only and we have to guess at what's going on with their … faces? Front … body parts?
Original magazine:
Thrilling Wonder Stories vol. 25, no. 3 (1944)
Women of Mastodon, talk me through this whole metal brassiere situation we have here. How comfortable would you feel being rescued from alien walruses in this little item? Maybe that expression of anguish on her face isn't about the walri at all.
Original magazine:
Universe #4 (March 1954)
This seems like a classical scene with nymphs (!) bathing in a waterfall, but why it is so brightly lit in red? Maybe it's on Mars. Her hair bothers me.
Lots of these stories are about travelling in space/to remote places/through time and meeting comely young maidens.
Original magazine:
Amazing Stories vol. 2, no. 12 (March 1928)
OK this is wild. Not a horrible depiction of asian people, I guess? But full of clichés anyway. I think the most unusual thing about it is the hooded onlookers, somewhere between Muslims and Ninjas.
Original magazine:
Weird Tales is 102 years old! Is still amazing to me. if i'm a wordsmith today is in a very big part thanks to the Unique magazine and the stories on its pages.
Home of storytellers and birthplace of so many modern legends, Weird Tales is a publication i'm thankful for.
#Books #Literature #PulpFiction #WeirdTales #Magazine #PulpMagazine #Fantasy #Horror
A real classic, home of Conan, Jules de Grandin, Dr.Satan, Elak of Atlantisand so,so many wonderful characters and their tales.
102 years, and still the Unique Magazine!
Astounding vol. 46, no. 1 (September 1950)
These two are … the same guy? In two different eras of history? One a Native Hawaiian or similar who braved the Pacific, the other a futuristic aviator who dared to travel to space?
Hawaiian people may object to this whiter-than-white goober of a guy being depicted in this way.
Original magazine:
Weird Tales vol. 20, no. 3 (September 1932)
She's making the classic pearl-clutching gesture but her pearls have gone missing. Understandable in the circumstances.
I *think* the guy is trying to sacrifice her to his chameleon/flying fish god but maybe that's unconscious anti-bejewelled-turban bias. He could be saving her?
Original magazine:
Fantastic Adventures vol. 2, no. 2 (February 1940)
I really hate spiders but this thing is only about half spider, so I can bear to look at it at least.
Red haired woman in a green dress. More of a Film Noir vibe. I assume everyone already follows ?
Original magazine:
Amazing Stories vol. 23, no. 8 (August 1949)
The title of the story clearly implies that she's dead? But she's upright still, although she's got an uncomfortable expression/posture and her clothes are falling off.
Perhaps he's saying "I paint from death!" to her right now and is just about to strike.
Original magazine:
Science Wonder Stories vol. 1, no. 6 (November 1929)
Three hundred dollars for the best short, SHORT story written around this picture!
Is it too late to enter?
I can't pay you $300 unfortunately but I will award you something for the best short short story in the replies to this post.
Original magazine: