Wayyyyyyy too many Americans are deluded or in denial about how much fascism and global American imperialism has existed internally for decades.
Thus, people are waiting for #BigHands to cross some line. Whatever line that is, is the last straw. And it'll be too late to act.
I mean...history. I know 54% of Americans read at the grade 6 level or lower, but millions have read history, right?
Dow, down 2% today, 5.5% in the last month, it was 8.8% lower a year ago. Another month+ at this rate: #BigHands will wipe out a year of #Dow growth.
Will #capitalists & #oligarchs (not the #broligarchs ) step in?
#nasdaq down 4% today alone, 11% over the last month, now only up 9 points in the last year. Less than a month more will wipe that.
#sp500 2.7%, 7.2%, now up only 9.7% over 12 months.
American capitalists: end that #fascism! Don't be a idiot.
Happy Insurrection Martial Law Day countdown, T-minus 21 days.
Is the only reason that the majority of #Americans don't see that #BigHands is obviously a #Russian asset, is because they don't want to feel really bad and stupid about voting for him even though the evidence has been pretty obvious for a really long time.
And even if there weren't any evidence going back so many years, everything he's doing right now is in #Putin's advantage. Weakening the Canadian and American economy. Ruining the #dollar. #nato
@Remittancegirl that is exactly what I thought when #BigHands threatened to kick #Canada out
Is the only reason that the majority of #Americans don't see that #BigHands is obviously a #Russian asset, is because they don't want to feel really bad and stupid about voting for him even though the evidence has been pretty obvious for a really long time.
And even if there weren't any evidence going back so many years, everything he's doing right now is in #Putin's advantage. Weakening the Canadian and American economy. Ruining the #dollar. #nato
Is the only reason that the majority of #Americans don't see that #BigHands is obviously a #Russian asset, is because they don't want to feel really bad and stupid about voting for him even though the evidence has been pretty obvious for a really long time.
And even if there weren't any evidence going back so many years, everything he's doing right now is in #Putin's advantage. Weakening the Canadian and American economy. Ruining the #dollar. #nato
Is the only reason that the majority of #Americans don't see that #BigHands is obviously a #Russian asset, is because they don't want to feel really bad and stupid about voting for him even though the evidence has been pretty obvious for a really long time.
And even if there weren't any evidence going back so many years, everything he's doing right now is in #Putin's advantage. Weakening the Canadian and American economy. Ruining the #dollar. #nato
The #nyt reported that #BigHands has been pestering #Trudeau for over a month now in his private calls, not just about annexing #Canada. He's talking specifically about changing the border. And renegotiating, whatever that means, the lake and river treaties.
#Putin "changed" Ukraine's borders in 2014 and 2022.
Also, #MoscowDon threatened to kill everyone in #Gaza.
#antifa #fascism #cdnpoli #bcpoli
The last 4 days were such a clown show.
- The stock market taking a huge dive Monday and then again Tuesday morning.
- #BigHands' 2-hour incoherence speech
- a very very strong BC provincial budget
- Trudeau's very very strong speech
- Even before #MoscowDon spoke Tuesday night, others in their government were blinking and we have another tariff delay
We have to destroy this man: defeated shamed humiliated and mocked. There's no compromise. End all the tariffs. #cdnpoli #bcpoli
Stop playing by rules
#BigHands sure isn't
Going after #tesla and #starlink are excellent examples
Make #leon so toxic that those companies have to turf him to save their market cap
And we have to ramp up the mockery of #BigHands himself
#fascists hate ego attacks; they're total snowflakes
How did only one member of Congress take a stand Tuesday night?
This isn't 20c anymore babies!
Make #antifa great again!
The last 48 hours were such a clown show.
- The stock market taking a huge dive Monday and then again yesterday morning.
- #BigHands' 2-hour incoherence speech
- a very very strong BC provincial budget
- Trudeau's very very strong speech
- Even before #MoscowDon spoke last night, others in their government were blinking and saying we can maybe negotiate the tariffs
We have to destroy this man, defeated shamed humiliated and mocked. There's no compromise. End all the tariffs.
The last 48 hours were such a clown show.
- The stock market taking a huge dive Monday and then again yesterday morning.
- #BigHands' 2-hour incoherence speech
- a very very strong BC provincial budget
- Trudeau's very very strong speech
- Even before #MoscowDon spoke last night, others in their government were blinking and saying we can maybe negotiate the tariffs
We have to destroy this man, defeated shamed humiliated and mocked. There's no compromise. End all the tariffs.
@richardinsandy @Nonya_Bidniss
Then #BigHands should watch #Number24 before he invades, because we know he can't read.
#tesla stock price dropping in 2025, but it's up 44% in the last 12 months and 524% over 5 years.
Keep up the good work, 2025!