Grieving husband says "reckless" Texas abortion law led to pregnant wife's death
Grieving husband says "reckless" Texas abortion law led to pregnant wife's death
had to be this week news like this hits the interwebs
#USpol #HandsOffMyReproRights #AbortionIsHealthcare #ReproductiveRights #RightToChoose #WomensHealth #StandWithWomenInTexas
Texas AG announces arrest of woman for allegedly illegally providing abortions in Houston
Don't tell me that you're "pro-life", and anti-vaccine. Don't tell me that you're "pro-life", and anti-gun legislation. Those things are mutually exclusive – you can't be both. What sense does it make to bring a child into the world, only for them to die from an easily-preventable disease, or in a hail of bullets in a place they should feel safe, their school? Why is an unborn life worth more than the life child? #prolife #guns #abortionrights #abortionIsHealthcare #gunControl
A woman in South Carolina has an ectopic pregnancy and doctors are refusing to operate because of abortion bans.
It’s not just her ovary being put at risk.
Ectopic pregnancies are life threatening and require immediate surgery.
These “forced birth” policies are anything but pro life. They’re killing people and in many cases taking away their fertility.
This is cruelty. It’s not about life. It’s not about babies. It’s about controlling women. The cruelty is the point.
Once again, if you’re using a period tracker app, stop right now. Don’t discuss your cycle, your relationship status, your desire to have kids (or not have kids) with anyone you don’t absolutely need to discuss it with.
Republicans seem determined to roll back reproductive rights and make it “your body, my choice”.
We must fight back. One of the best ways to do this is to commit to give them as little information as possible.
Missouri bill seeks to create a registry of women who are high risk for having an abortion, and may allow crisis pregnancy centres to manage said list.
Please call your local lawmakers and urge them to vote no on this dystopian bill.
Our body, our choice. Always.
For the 1488th post in this thread, I’ll simply remind you of what that number stands for, in white supremacist numerology;
Fuck Nazis. Fuck white supremacists. Fuck everyone who aids or appeases them.
Our fight is for all, and for equal rights for all, in all its intersections. Black lives, trans rights, informed enthusiastic consent, accessibility, the works.
No one is safe until all of us are safe.
#OrganisedAffiliatedFuckers #BlackLivesMatter
#TransRightsAreHumanRights #ProtectTransKids
#MyBodyMyChoice #AbortionIsHealthcare #SexWorkIsWork #Reparations
Whenever someone says they’re “pro life”… be sure to remind them that infant mortality has spiked in States with abortion bans (maternal mortality has as well).
They aren’t “pro life”. They’re anti choice.
Taking that choice away costs lives.
Thank you, Governor Hochul
Louisiana signs extradition order for New York doc who prescribed abortion pill out of state. This is a war on women & reproductive healthcare.
“Carpenter did nothing illegal: New York is shield state that protects abortion providers & allows them to mail abortion meds without fear of prosecution”
I can’t stress this enough… if you’re able to stock up on abortion pills, plan B or oral contraceptives… now’s the time.
If you’re certain you don’t want to get pregnant, look into getting your tubes tied or an IUD placed.
Stop using period trackers. Encourage your friends to stop as well.
Even if you aren’t worried about your own reproductive health, by being prepared you may be able to help someone in need.
Lastly if you DO help someone end a pregnancy… No you didn’t. You helped them move. Or visit their aunt. Or shop for furniture.
Now is the time for discretion because Trump and his team of christofascists seem determined to criminalize pregnancy at all costs.
This is a big win for reproductive rights in the United States.
NY Governor Hochul signed a bill to ensure doctors who provide abortion medication to patients outside the State have legal protection
Maggie Carpenter is a New York physician who’s been indicted for prescribing abortion medication to a Louisiana patient
This new bill will ensure no doctor in New York can be charged for assisting with a person’s right to choose.
Governor Hochul also stated she would never “under any circumstances” turn Carpenter over to Louisiana
Thank you, New York
New York Gov. Refuses To Extradite Doctor Charged In Louisiana For Abortion Pill
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy announced that he’s stockpiling abortion medication. #abortion #abortionrights #AbortionIsHealthcare #freedom #newjersey
Believe people when they tell you who they are.
Trump is coming for our reproductive rights.
He was responsible for the fall of Roe.
He shows up at Pro Life rallies.
He says he wants to “give power back to the States” even though he knew that many States had trigger laws that would mean women instantly lost their access to abortion.
Now he’s pardoning people who harassed and assaulted employees of an abortion clinic.
One had five fetuses IN her home.
He’s clearly chosen a side, and it’s not the side of women.
It’s the side of evangelical Christian’s and oligarch billionaires who want to see us all barefoot in the kitchen.
No. We are never going back.
In total, #Trump pardoned 23 anti-#abortion activists, including those #convicted of blockading a reproductive health clinic & intimidating staff & patients.
#Felon47 #ReproductiveRights #CivilRights #WomensRights #RightToHealthcare #Healthcare #AbortionIsHealthcare #intimidation #pillory #privacy #MaleSupremacy #evangelism #law #USpol
Anna Pięta: Jak widać wiele osób myśli podobnie, bo właśnie nasza zbiórka na Przychodnię Aborcyjną AboTak przekroczyła magiczne 100 000! Przy tym ile rocznie Aborcja Bez Granic wydaje na aborcje, to może niewiele ale to już prawie 70 procent naszej docelowej kwoty.
Kwoty którą przeznaczymy na 1 polską aborcyjną przychodnię, jej przytulne wyposażenie i przyjazne osoby, które nie będą Was tylko pomagać.
Nie obchodzi nas co mówi Biblia, nie interesuje nas czego chcą politycy, mamy głęboko w d…e polityczne gry i co pewnie szokujące opinia episkopatu też nam zwisa. Nie mamy interesu w tym by dogadywać się z ultra konserwatystami czy opus dei, bo to kobiety w potrzebie są naszymi guru. Tylko i wyłącznie ich potrzeby wyznaczają nasze kierunki działania.
Dlatego już za chwilę ogłosimy oficjalna datę otwarcia przychodni ABOTAK a także lokację- petardę
Dzięki wam jesteśmy coraz bliżej
Na filmiku widzicie Anę Kasparian- dziennikarkę, aktorkę, prezenterkę, przez wiele lat związaną z partią Demokratów. Dziś krytykuje równo obie strony za ich beznadziejną politykę.
Wypowiedź pochodzi z 2022 roku.
A przychodnię ABOTAK nadal możecie wspierać, link do zrzutki:
[wyniesione z insta:]
This tactic should go over like a ton of bricks!! The men who want so badly to control women need to take their little dicks and fuck all the way off! FFS!! #AbortionIsHealthcare #AbortionRights #WomensRights
"As antiabortion advocates launch legal efforts to stop abortion pills from reaching women in states with bans, they are increasingly turning to one group with uniquely intimate and specific information to help them find cases: male sex partners of women who decided to end their pregnancies. The strategy propelled a first-of-its-kind lawsuit filed last month by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R). It cited firsthand information from an unnamed “biological father” to accuse a New York doctor of illegally providing abortion pills to a woman in the Dallas area, according to two people familiar with the case’s origins."
I find the statement “I am proChoice but I would never have an abortion” to be problematic.
Will these same women say “I am proChoice but I never had an abortion” later in life?