Public1dPetra van Cronenburg @NatureMC@mastodon.onlineEnfin - #printemps! Endlich #Frühling! Finally, #spring!ALTALTHide#Bloomscrolling#violets#BellisPerennis…and 11 more 0
PublicFeb 3Mika Tkauz @Opvernieuw@pixelfed.socialWalking near Wassenaar, mid Januari. Swipe for a daisy, Highland Cattle and rugged nature. #Wassenaar #nature #photography #daisy #BellisPerennis #flowers #plants #bloomscrolling #trees #RuggedNature #HighlandCattle #cattle #cows #animalsHide#animals 0
PublicMar 23, 2024hennige @hennige@mastodon.onlineI spotted this English Daisy in Germany ALTHide#EnglishDaisy#Flower#Garden…and 6 more 0
PublicJul 14, 2023Leonieke Aalders @leonieke@pixelfed.socialProtection in place, all to protect the newly chosen Dutch national flower: the common daisy. #CommonDaisy #BellisPerennis #Madelief #Meizoentje #NationalFlower #NationaleBloem #lightroom #CityPhotography #Pixel6 #GooglePixel #TheHague #SummerInTheCityALTHide#summerinthecity 0