𝐓h𝐞a G𝐚h𝐫, "𝐓e𝐚c𝐡 𝐖h𝐚t Y𝐨u K𝐧o𝐰, L𝐞a𝐫n W𝐡a𝐭 𝐘o𝐮 𝐂a𝐧," 2016. Justseeds.org
𝐓h𝐞a G𝐚h𝐫, "𝐓e𝐚c𝐡 𝐖h𝐚t Y𝐨u K𝐧o𝐰, L𝐞a𝐫n W𝐡a𝐭 𝐘o𝐮 𝐂a𝐧," 2016. Justseeds.org
"𝑶𝒏 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑨𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, 𝑼𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒚, & 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝑲𝒂𝒇𝒌𝒂," 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 & 𝑾𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒏𝒆𝒘𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓 -
Not certain we should talk. . . .
But if so, catch a sample newsletter here and subscribe!
Right to Read ND will host Read-Outs outside libraries across North Dakota on Saturday, March 1st, from 2 to 2:30 PM CST.
Current Read-Out locations:#Bismarck Veterans Memorial Public Library
#Dickinson Area Public Library
#Fargo Public Library (Main branch)
#GrandForks Public Library
#Minot Public Library
#WestFargo Public Library
#Williston Community Library
Do you want to have a Read-Out in your community? Please send us a message or email us at righttoreadnd@gmail.com
North Dakotans are invited to bring a book and read silently on the public sidewalk outside their local library to show their opposition to Senate Bill 2307, a bill that targets library content. The North Dakota Senate passed the bill in a narrow vote last week, and it now heads to the North Dakota House for a hearing and a floor vote. #RightToReadND
#NorthDakota #Fargo #FargoND #libraries #censorship #fightfascism #FightCensorship #RightToRead #SB2703 #readout
Update. Last month, Canada's Prison Libraries Network (#PLN) issued an excellent statement on prisoners’ right to read.
"For incarcerated people inside Canadian correctional institutions, reading and access to information is a rare connection to the outside world. It is also a basic right. "
The statement was just endorsed by the Canadian Federation of Library Federations (#cfla, @cflafcab)
Don't be fooled, companies like OverDrive and Follett are opposed to the "right to read." Otherwise, they would let libraries own digital works rather than lease them with predatory fees and unjust DRM. #DayAgainstDRM https://dayagainstdrm.org #RightToRead #Libraries
We've sent our letter letting our local library know we support *them*, not corporate DRM. What about you? #DayAgainstDRM: https://dayagainstdrm.org #Libraries #SupportLibraries #RightToRead
Today's International #DayAgainstDRM! Take a stand against OverDrive (Libby) and others unjust hold on libraries: https://dayagainstdrm.org #Libraries #OverDrive #Libby #RightToRead
I filed a comment in the Copyright Office study about the role of copyright in AI. It's here, with a post on Techdirt describing it.
tl,dr: copyright law has no statutory or Constitutionally-permissible role to play with regard to AI training. #righttoread
We need to #uniteagainstbookbans
Grab this link to find ways you can help.
Via Kelly Jensen:
"Illinois becomes the first state to introduce anti-book banning legislation with the Right to Read Bill, thanks to Alexi Giannoulias (IL Sec of State). Here's what it says and how you can take action, whether or not you live in Illinois."
Given that other states are trying to ban book from *public libraries*, it behooves us to pay attention before it's too late.
This is searing, as well it should be. States need to stop abdicating responsibility for curriculum, and Assemblymember Carroll gets that.
RT @Bobby4Brooklyn
You shouldn’t have to be lucky to learn to read. We know what we need to do. We need NYS to mandate evidence based literacy curriculum. Every child has a #RightToRead 1/2
@jeffjarvis @hauntedhideaway The action needed varies from community to community. A good place to start is the ALA.
Here in #Texas, the lege session is just starting and there are some very bad bills filed -- including one that removes the affirmative defense for educational material that protects library staff. We need to get these bills stopped.
@hauntedhideaway @jeffjarvis We have a #RightToRead kind of group, I think soon to be officially named Community Library Network Alliance, that is dedicated to doing exactly this, showing up at Board of Trustees meetings to speak in support of public libraries inclusive policies, etc. There is definitely a growing and coordinated (political action templates executable at local levels) effort by far right conservatives against libraries, and attacking library funding.
This was us at the last meeting last week!
Had a meeting with our #RightToRead group here in #NorthIdaho; it was great! I have hope that we'll be able to counter far right #Republicans (#KCRCC), their attempts to take over the Board of Trustees of our #library system, their anti-queer cishet patriarchal #WhiteNationalist exclusionary, disinclusive policies, authoritarianism.
We believe in our libraries, real #community building.
And right after, a postcard campaign in support of #Drag in #Idaho!
Vulnerable students including FN schools in #bced must follow the evidence: structured, explicit, scaffolded using indigenous content. Dyslexia Canada spotlights problems across Canadian schools but also successes for FN schools. https://youtu.be/Dj2R3JDsOHQ #bcedchat #RighttoRead #bctf #OHRC #structuredliteracy #dyslexia #udl