I wasn't sure it was going to make it, but Captain America: Brave New World crossed the 400 million mark this weekend. It should overtake Eternals this week.
Meanwhile Snow White opened to 43 million. The user reviews have been scathing, some of which I'm convinced have not even seen the film. There's no way it's a 0 out of 10 film. With all the resentment towards anything Disney over the past 4 years, the casting, the controveries over the personal opinions of the main stars, and those who can't get beyond it's been made at all, there's a lot going against the film. It is, however, a good film, from a good director, and it's better than other live action remakes from the past few years.
Sure it's not for everyone, but it's far from the worst film ever that some are making it out to be.
It is a musical, and it very much feels like a play that was made into a movie.