Hot Take: A livable wage ($25-$30/hr) is $55-60,000 a year. Middle class comfortable income is easily approaching $80-$90G.
The "Sunshine List" should be set at $250,000 at this point.
Hot Take: A livable wage ($25-$30/hr) is $55-60,000 a year. Middle class comfortable income is easily approaching $80-$90G.
The "Sunshine List" should be set at $250,000 at this point.
Nepal has virtually eradicated extreme poverty. In 1995, an estimated 55% of Nepalis lived in extreme poverty, defined as living on less than $ 2.15 per day. By 2023, this figure had plunged to just 0.37% (!)
A key factor behind this remarkable decline is a substantial increase in remittances as a result of large-scale emigration. By 2023, remittances accounted for around a quarter of Nepal’s GDP, improving economic growth and lifting many out of poverty #Nepal #poverty
Today in Labor History March 28, 1977: AFSCME Local 1644 struck in Atlanta, Georgia, for a pay raise. This local of mostly African American sanitation workers saw labor and civil rights as part of the same struggle. They saw their fight as a continuation of the 1968 Memphis sanitation strike. For several years, they organized to get black civil rights leaders elected to public office. They succeeded in getting their man, Maynard Jackson, elected mayor of Atlanta. After all, as vice mayor, Jackson had supported their 1970 strike. Yet, in his first three years as mayor, he refused to give them a single raise. Consequently, their wages dropped below the poverty line for a family of four. Jackson accused AFSCME of attacking Black Power by challenging his authority. He fired over 900 workers by April 1 and crushed the strike by the end of April. Many believe this set the precedent for Reagan’s mass firing of 11,000 air traffic controllers during the PATCO strike, in 1981.
This post has a link to a speech by the excellent George Monbiot. He explains why we don't have to vote for the lesser of two evils of Labour or the Tories (three evils if you include Reform). The speech lasts just under 11 minutes. If you have the time to spare it is well worth a listen.
Dr Silvia Galandini, Oxfam’s Domestic Poverty Lead:
"at least a quarter of a million more people, 50,000 of them children, will be pushed into poverty because of... [Labour's] political choices. We live in the sixth richest country in the world where billionaires alone saw their wealth soar by £11 billion last year. It is morally repugnant that children, disabled people and carers are the ones who are taking the hit."
#Oxfam #PovertyInTheUK #poverty #WealthTaxNow
Help disabled Latina family survive homelessness
Hotel 800/weekly Tuesdays & has a past due of 326
1126 Minimum Needed
1176 Covers all Bills
1426 All Needs
#UK - The number of children in poverty in the UK has reached its highest level since comparative records began in 2002.
> In the year to April 2024, there were 4.45 million children living in a household of relative low income after housing costs are deducted - the government's own standard measure for #poverty.
> The figure, [..], is an increase of 100,000 children from the previous year - and equates to 31% of #children in the UK. #Brexit #austerity #economy
Satire but the way Labour are going, this may well be a party political broadcast for them.
#Labour #Starmer #SirKidStarver #SpringStatement #RedTories #poverty #disabled
Poor? Broke? Have you tried starving? maybe visit the nearest euthanasia clinic?
Faced with economic hardship, "time poverty" and social isolation, single parents in Japan are struggling to raise their kids, according to a survey by a nonprofit that provides financial aid to children. #japan #society #surveys #highschools #poverty #children #ashinaga #wages #nonregularworkers #parenthood
okay - here's the deal...
i've been homeless for going on 10 years now, and the amount of NAKED ABSOLUTE HATRED i get from people who live indoors is escalating by the day.
i was attacked last night by a person who was trusted with an entire camp's worth of my property (without my consent), but instead chose to steal it all. he was angry because i keep packing up and moving the crap he leaves at my camp. while he has a place to live.
he also slept in my tent for three days, around a month ago, with his pants around his ankles and his bare ass on my guitar bag, and left me nothing to do but wander around town for two nights, with nowhere to go.
i am muting or blocking everyone i see here sitting up and begging for funds in order for them to stay indoors.
fuck you!
you made this bed, now sleep in it!
Today In Labor History March 26, 1850: Edward Bellamy was born. Bellamy was an American author and socialist political activist, most well-known for his utopian novel, “Looking Backward,” one of the most commercially successful books published in the 19th century. It particularly appealed to the intellectuals who were alienated by the Gilded Age greed, corruption and violence. His book inspired many to form so-called “nationalist clubs” to implement his ideas of a society free of private property, social classes, war, poverty, crime, lawyers, politicians, prostitution, merchants, soldiers, and taxes. Plus, everyone could retire by the age of 45. He died at the age of 48 from tuberculosis.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #utopia #edwardbellamy #poverty #prostitution #PrivateProperty #socialism #tuberculosis #war #books #author #writer #fiction @bookstadon
Today In Labor History March 26, 1910: Congress amended the Immigration Act of 1907 to specifically bar entrance of “paupers, anarchists, criminals and the diseased.” The amendment was specifically designed to limit entry of Eastern and Southern European immigrants, many of whom were becoming radicalized by the deplorable working and living conditions in late 19th and early 20th century America. The law came in the midst of a wave of anti-immigrant hysteria, whipped up by government and media-generated pro-eugenics propaganda. The original law included the following statement of “undesirables” to be prohibited entry into the United States: “All idiots, imbeciles, feebleminded persons, epileptics, insane persons, and persons who have been insane within five years previous; persons who have had two or more attacks of insanity at any time previously; paupers; persons likely to become a public charge; professional beggars; persons afflicted with tuberculosis or with a loathsome or dangerous contagious disease.”
$5 million gold card anyone?
But the markets are stable so their sacrifice was 'worth' it.
So the latest Federal Budget spends $17 billion on tax cuts as a naked attempt to buy votes in the upcoming election.
Meanwhile, the Jobseeker payment (the unemployment benefit) could be raised to around the Henderson poverty line (roughly $80 per day instead of the roughly $50-60 per day) at a cost of $9.5 billion per year.
Keeping people in abject poverty, unable to afford the basics, is a choice made by both major parties.