SeaGL is happening again this November. And everyone has a chance to contribute by nominating their favorite speaker to be a keynoter.
The FLOSS movement has failed to build a true counter power to Big Tech's hegemony.
However, I see this potential for tech autonomy with community tech.
It builds on the nonprofit, community centered aspects of free and open source software, while addressing its shortcomings.
Boosts and opinions on what I've outlined in my blog post very welcomed.
#FOSS #FLOSS #OpenSource #CommunityTech #BigTech #SurveillanceCapitalism
What's a good replacement OS for a Kindle in 2025?
I see references to Quill/InkBox but it appears to be a dead project.
New on // foss.events: Congreso LliureX by LliureX on 05-06 May 2025 in Universitat d'Alacant: Campus de Sant Vicent in #Sant Vicent del Raspeig, #Spain
Find out more on https://foss.events/2025/05-05-congreso-lliurex.html
[Reading] passionnant, et si bien écrit : "Di Cosmo R., Granger S., Hinsen K., Jullien N., Le Berre D., Louvet V., Maumet C., Maurice C., Monat R. et Rougier N. P., « CODE beyond FAIR »=> https://inria.hal.science/hal-04930405
#FAIRprinciples #researchdatamanagement #openscience #researchsoftwares #reproductibility #science #FLOSS #digitalpreservation
I am once again faced with the bleak irony of people who install onto their computer some 5 or 10 apps via FlatPak or Docker, including VSCode, each installed with their own entire copies of Node.js and Electron.js (differing only in their minor revision number), while also complaining about Emacs being “bloated” because it ships with a miniature web browser and fully-featured e-mail client.
Ämter ohne Microsoft – Warum Behörden freie Software nutzen sollten.
Eine EU-Studie beziffert das Kosten-Nutzen-Verhältnis von Open
Source Software auf 1:4.
Jeder Euro, den der Staat investiert, kommt vierfach wieder zurück. Würden mehr Institutionen Geld in Open Source stecken, statt an Microsoft zu überweisen, könnte das ein großes Konjunkturprogramm für die
europäische Digitalwirtschaft sein.
Today, the United Nations announced the "UN Open Source Principles" – 8 practical ways for groups around the world to promote global digital cooperation through free and open source software.
Like software freedom itself, these principles are for everyone, everywhere - and the orgs you support can join a list of endorsers today.
#boostsAppreciated - spread the word!
The last maintenance release of the 24.12 cycle is out.
#chatgpt is a data hungry stealing beast. You opt in to share everything you feed it. All prompts, all files you use are donated to OpenAI. Why not use an open source tool like #gpt4all and run the #AI locally. #foss #floss #education
@arclight I mean, I'd love to see someone pay me to maintain @OS1337 full-time (or any other of my #FLOSS / #FLOSH projects), but until then I'll sadly have to do whatever #WageWork keeps me and mutuals afloat.
Päivän #FLOSS-vinkki voisi olla #GNU #Datamash. Hauska pikku ohjelma, jolla saa nopeasti irti taulukkomuotoisesta datasta tilastollisia tunnuslukuja. Esimerkiksi tiedostosta, jossa on pelkästään rivivaihdoin erotettuja lukuja (= yksi tietosarake), saa minimin, maksimin, summan ja keskiarvon komennolla:
datamash min 1 max 1 sum 1 mean 1 < tiedosto
(missä 1 = sarakkeen numero). #atkjuttuja
Mediaberry Milestone 1 is here! After... admittedly far too long... the announcement has now been officially made.
Mediaberry is a web-oriented open platform for streaming boxes and smart TVs.
Hey guys, I'm new to #selfhosting #selfhost
I have this hardware:
Hace unas horas se ha publicado #Spotube 4.0.0, un cliente de código abierto para #Spotify para escuchar tu música, aunque tira de YouTube para el audio.
Esta nueva versión trae una nueva interfaz más intuitiva, diversas correcciones, widget para la pantalla de inicio en Android (por fin), el usar como alternativas yt-dpl en PC y PipeTube en Android, etc. Además, no usa Electron
Está disponible para #Linux, Windows, Mac, #Android e iOS
Descargas: https://github.com/KRTirtho/spotube/releases/tag/v4.0.0
New blog post!
SeaGL 2025 announcements!https://seagl.org/news/2025/03/06/2025-announcements
This video is pretty convincing. I've just moved to #Waterfox and #Betterbird.
[edit] Quick summary: Mozilla changed its TOS in a way that seems to open the door to selling our searches and other content for "AI" training data, and I want no part of it.[/edit]
#Inkscape is a part of Google Summer of Code once again!
We are seeking students & those new to open source interested in working on projects & being mentored by contributing developers.
Learn more about how to apply at https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape/-/blob/master/doc/gsoc/summerofcode.md